First Physics Results from Belle II@SuperKEKB

Sumitted to PubDB: 2020-07-28

Category: Talk, Visibility: Public

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Authors Thomas Browder
Date 2020-07-28
Belle II Number BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2020-036
Abstract I will present a few highlights from the latest Belle II Physics Run, which took place in spring and summer 2020 during the global pandemic and just concluded a month ago. The peak luminosity was 2.4 x 10^34/cm^2/sec, which is a new world record. The focus will be on the first physics results from Belle II. The first Belle II publications are on topics in the Dark Sector. At ICHEP2020 in Prague, Belle II will show initial B physics, charm physics and tau physics results as well. I will conclude with a few comments on the road ahead to design luminosity and cutting edge physics (and the upgrades to SuperKEKB and Belle II that are needed).
Conference SLAC FPD Experimental Seminar
