Prospects of conventional and exotic bottomonium physics at BELLE II

Sumitted to PubDB: 2018-08-08

Category: Talk, Visibility: Public

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Authors Bianca Scavino
Date 2018-07-06
Belle II Number BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2018-108
Abstract Belle II is a next generation B-factory experiment at the SuperKEKB collider. In early 2019 the fully operational detector will start taking data. The goal is to collect an integrated luminosity of 50 ab-1, a statistics 50 times larger than the one collected by its predecessor Belle. Belle II offers the most promising prospects for bottomonium physics in the next decade, since experimentally only high-luminosity e+ e- colliders can collect enough statistics to fully exploit the potential of this sector. In this talk, the current status of the experiment will be presented, together with the perspectives for studies of conventional and exotic quarkonium-like states
Conference QCD 18
