Improved studies of B->D(*) tau nu with vertexing at Belle II

Sumitted to PubDB: 2018-08-07

Category: Talk, Visibility: Public

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Authors Abner Soffer
Date 2018-07-07
Belle II Number BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2018-096
Abstract BABAR, Belle, and LHCb measure the rates for the decays B→D(∗)τν and Bc→J/ψτν to be higher than the SM expectations, with a combined discrepancy of 4.1σ (for B→D(∗)τν only) or ∼4.3σ (including all modes). In the coming years, Belle II and LHCb will greatly improve the measurement precision, to the level that systematic uncertainties associated with the background B→D∗∗ℓν become critical. We show how to utilize Belle II's high spatial resolution to obtain a model-independent handle on this background and improve the overall signal-backgroud. We also study the impact of vertexing on Belle II’s capability to perform this measurement with the decay τ→3πν, as already demonstrated by LHCb.
Conference ICHEP2018
