Performance of the Belle II SVD using offline software reconstruction

Sumitted to PubDB: 2018-07-14

Category: Poster, Visibility: Public

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Authors Kavita Lalwani
Date 2018-07-11
Belle II Number BELLE2-POSTER-CONF-2018-003
Abstract The silicon vertex detector (SVD) is one of the important detector elements of the Belle II experiment at SuperKEKB. It consists of four-layers of double sided silicon strip detectors (DSSDs) arranged in concentric cylinders around the Belle II interaction point. In conjunction with the DEPFET-based pixel detector (PXD), the SVD plays a key role in the precise measurement of the decay vertex position as well as the recon- struction of the low-momentum-tracks. The design luminosity of SuperKEKB is 8x10^{35} cm^{-2} s^{-1} and Belle II aims to record 50 ab^{-1} of data, a factor of 50 more than its predecessor (Belle). Such a dramatic increase in luminosity will result in the harsh background environment in Belle II. In order to validate the SVD perfor- mance in the high rate and challenging background conditions, a detailed systematic investigation is required with the oine reconstruction soft- ware. In this poster presentation, preliminary results on the analysis of test beam data collected during February 2017 at DESY and their comparison with simulations will be presented. Important SVD-based variables, for example, cluster charge, position, size and time are reconstructed for all sensors and sides in all four layers of SVD. Further, the contribution of hot strips is also discussed. This study is useful to get a better understanding of test beam data as well as to validate the SVD performance in dierent regions. In addition, preliminary results on the occupancy for dierent zero suppression cuts (zs) using phase2 data will also be discussed for all sensors and sides to understand the noise behavior in pahse2. Lastly, the work will give a peak view on the status of the SVD perfor- mance with test beam data 2017 and phase 2 data being recorded during this year.
Conference FPCP-2018
