Recent Belle II results on time-dependent CP violation and charm physics

Sumitted to PubDB: 2023-07-19

Category: Proceeding, Visibility: Public

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Authors Jake Bennett
Date 2023-07-19
Belle II Number BELLE2-CONF-PROC-2023-030
Abstract We present recent measurements of time-dependent CP violation and charm physics results from the Belle~II experiment. Time-dependent CP violation studies include $B^0\rightarrow\phi K^0_S$, $B^0\rightarrow K^0_S \pi^0$, and $B^0\rightarrow K^0_S K^0_S K^0_S$ decay channels. Recent lifetime measurements for charmed hadrons, including the $\Lambda_c^+$, $\Omega_c^0$, and $D^+_s$, are also presented, along with a novel charm flavor tagger.
