Quarkonium and charm at Belle II
Category: Proceeding, Visibility: Public
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Authors | Michel Bertemes |
Date | 2023-05-07 |
Belle II Number | BELLE2-CONF-PROC-2023-013 |
Abstract | We present recent results from the Belle II experiment related to quarkonium and charm physics. With data samples collected by Belle II during special operations of the SuperKEKB collider above the $\Upsilon(4S)$ resonance, we study the processes $e^+e^- \to \omega\chi_{bJ}(1P)$ ($J=0$, 1, or 2), search for the bottomonium equivalent of the X(3872) and measure the exclusive cross sections of $e^+e^- \to B\bar{B}$, $B\bar{B}^*$ and $B^*\bar{B}^*$. We also propose a new algorithm to determine the production flavor of neutral $D$ mesons. Finally, we report on a measurement of the $\Omega_c^0$ lifetime. |
BELLE2-CONF-PROC-2023-013.pdf (versions: 1)
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