Measurement of the mass of the tau lepton in semi-invisible final states in the Belle II collaboration

Sumitted to PubDB: 2023-05-12

Category: Master Thesis, Visibility: Public

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Non-Belle II authors J. A. Colorado-Caicedo, E. De La Cruz-Burelo
Date 2023-01-01
Belle II Number BELLE2-MTHESIS-2023-007
Abstract In this thesis, the mass of the tau lepton is determined by comparing three methods for decays with semi-invisible final states. The measurement was performed for the decay $\tau\pi\nu$ (signal). It is obtained that the best result was provided by the method $M_{min}$ for a mass of the tau lepton of m = $1777.06 \pm 0.44$ MeV. The measurement was completed using official Monte Carlo data from the Belle II collaboration in the MC13a campaign ended in 2020.
Conference Mexico City
