Study of resonant B0 -> Xd/s l+l- branching ratios

Sumitted to PubDB: 2022-09-29

Category: Master Thesis, Visibility: Public

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Authors Thomas Kuhr, Aman Pavan Salikar
Date 2022-01-01
Belle II Number BELLE2-MTHESIS-2022-038
Abstract The thesis focuses on resonant processes of B → Xℓℓ decay using 1 ab^−1 Monte-Carlo simulated data at Belle II. The channels being analysed are B0 → K0s J/ψ,B0 → K0s ψ(2S),B0 →π0 J/ψ,B0 → π0 ψ(2S),B0 → K∗(K+π−)γ∗,B0 → ρ0 γ∗. At the loop level, the cross section of the decay modes of B0 → Xd/s ℓ+ℓ− is dependant on the matrix elements Vcd and Vcs. So this analysis concentrates on the ratio Xs to Xd which is essentially the ratio of the above two elements. This was found out to be 24.12290 ± 0.595297 for J/ψ resonance state and 23.90814 ± 2.87876 for the ψ(2S) resonance state.
Conference Munich, Germany
