Optimisation of an upgrade to the Belle II experiment's inner tracker using simulated B0 -> Ks π+ π- γ decays

Sumitted to PubDB: 2022-07-06

Category: Master Thesis, Visibility: Public

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Authors Christian Finck, Petros Stavroulakis
Date 2022-01-01
Belle II Number BELLE2-MTHESIS-2022-008
Abstract The Belle II experiment provides the ideal environment to study rare decay processes, since its collisions are free of contamination from physical background processes that can overshadow a potential discovery of new physics. This is made possible through the use of highly intense collisions between point-like particles, which result in the production of B mesons, particles whose decay properties are worth studying in order to shed more light on the origins of the observed asymmetry between matter and anti-matter in our Universe. While the ever-increasing intensity of Belle II collisions provides a statistically rich data set, it also poses an experimental challenge to the collaboration, which plans to adapt by upgrading the experiment's innermost subdetector, the vertex detector. This work presents the results of an analysis on the performance of a potential upgrade to the Belle II detector's inner tracker, through the use of a measurement that is based on the decays of B mesons to a specific final state. Besides allowing the inner tracker to continue to operate in the harsh environment created by the increased intensity of collisions, this upgrade is also aimed at improving the sensitivity of Belle II to new physics discoveries.
Conference Strasbourg
