Inclusive B → X_u e ν_e endpoint analysis: Approved plots for ICHEP2020

Sumitted to PubDB: 2020-07-29

Category: Conference papers and plots, Visibility: Public

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Non-Belle II authors The Belle II Collaboration
Date 2020-07-28
Belle II Number BELLE2-NOTE-PL-2020-026
Abstract This note contains the approved plots associated with the note BELLE2-NOTE-PH-2019-013. This is an untagged analysis of B → Xueνe inclusive decay in Phase 3 data, with the initial aim of rediscovering the charmless B-meson decays using the Belle II detector. The used well-known inclusive technique examines the endpoint region of the inclusive charged-lepton center-of-mass momentum distribution to seek evidence for CKM-suppressed B → Xueν processes in a space where B → Xceν background channels are kinematically disfavoured. The full ICHEP dataset was used. The resulting plots of the fit to the off-resonance data to estimate the continuum contributions, and of the excess in data in the electron spectrum in the B → Xeν endpoint region are shown. The excess is consistent with that from B → Xueν decay.
